수강생분들의 진실된 수강후기 내용을 확인하세요.
스카이벨영어에서는 절대로 허위 후기를 올리지 않습니다!
Belle (필리핀) 선생님과 공부를 하는 것이 참 흥미롭고 재미있습니다.
영상 통화를 할 때 자세하게 가르쳐주시고
꼭 타이핑으로 확인해 주셔서 너무나 좋습니다.
많은 표현들을 쓰고 읽고 말하고 할 때 마다
정말 공부하고 있구나 생각이 듭니다.
공부했던 것 중에 생각이 나는 것들을 정리를 해봅니다.
How's the library ?
How many bookshelves did you finish ?
I finished 6 bookshelves and 6 tables
I finished 6 bookshelves and 6 tables
will eat after the class?
I'm fasting
Please repeat after me
What makes people happy ?
My faith makes me happy.
I am happy serving God with my family.
Can money makes us happy? How?
What will you do if you have a lot of money?
If I have a lot of money , I will build more churches
Do you want to have a mission team in other countries?
Have you been to China?
I went to China once for education and twice for mission.
I haven't been to North Korea.
What do you say if friend asks if you're happy ?
My family is healthy .
We have enough food .
We have a comfortable apartment .
He's always there to help.
Does love of money destroys happiness?
Love of money is the root of all evil
Good people will do good with their money .
How do your friends make you happy ?
What do you like to do together ?
Where and what do you like to do ?
I met my friends last Thursday in ______ city .
I saw ten of my friends .
One of my friend has Cancer . We gathered together to see our sick friend .
He is getting better.
Our friends came from different places.
When you were a student
what did you like to do with your friends ?
My friends like bowling and I just watch them play .
When do they disappoint you
I don't really get disappointed with them.
Many people read books because they desire knowledge.
How many books do you read every year ?
I am a bookworm.
" bookworm " = a person who loves reading
Name some unimportant things that are vital to your happiness
simple or small things that can make you happy
My wife makes a very good cup of "Americano" and I just drink it.
My wife is the master .
My wife is a professional barista .
What have you learned about happiness ?
Happiness gives pleasure .
It takes away stress.
It helps us live longer.
영어 표현이 조금씩 늘고 있는 것을 생각해봅니다.
계속적으로 해야 영어 회화가 늘게 된다는 것을 다시 한번 생각해 봅니다.
열심히 해서 꼭 프리토킹이 자유롭게 될 때까지
스카이벨에서 열심히 해볼려고 다짐을 해봅니다.
Skybel on
안녕하세요? 회원님~ :)Belle 강사님과의 수업에 흥미를 가지고 재미있어 하시는 걸로 보아 지금 처럼 꾸준하게 해주신다면
금방 회화 실력이 향상 되실 것 같은 긍정적인 예감이 드네요~^^
수업시간에 주어지는 피드백과 복습 등을 잘 병행하시면 분명히 회원님의 영어 회화에 많은 보탬이 되실거에요!
소중한 수강후기 남겨주셔서 감사드립니다~!
Belle on
Hi, Paul!I'm glad to hear your feedback. Thanks for participating actively in our classes. I wish you all the best in your chosen field. Good luck!
If you plan to study again in the future, we will always welcome you with open arms. Hope to see you again.
More power.