전화영어.화상영어.아이엘츠스피킹 전문 영어회화


수강생분들의 진실된 수강후기 내용을 확인하세요.
스카이벨영어에서는 절대로 허위 후기를 올리지 않습니다!

on 16-06-27 15:03

스카이벨에서 영어 수업한지도 거의 1년이 다 갑니다.

It\'s been around a year since I took English speaking classes at Skybel

1년동안 여러 강사님과 수업을 했는데 네시아 강사님은 그중에서 최고라고 말하고 싶네요.

I\'ve met a lot of teachers for a year at skybel, However, Teacher Nesia is the most superb teacher I\'ve met.

다음이 네시아 강사님의 강점입니다.

The strong points of Nesia\'s classes are as follows.

1. 프로필에서 보이듯이 영어석사라 풍부한 어휘능력.

As you can see in her introduction, She has a master\'s degree in English Literature That\'s why she normaily utilizes a variety of classy words Which would be helful for students to enrich the student\'s vocabulary. It is small wonder that If your teacher uses various english words while teaching you, You would be exposed to a great Englsih environment to be able to imprve your skills.

2. 말이 빠른편이라 실제 원어민하고 대화하는 것 같음

Owing to her quick way of speaking, It seems to me that I talk to a native English speaker. If you are accustomed to her speech rate, You would feel more confident to communicate with natives in Englsih.

3. 꼼꼼하게 상세한 피드백.

Whenever I finish my class with her, She usually gives me a very detailed feedback which I\'ve never received from other teachers at Skybel. Thanks to her kind jobs, I\'ve improved my english skills a lot.


네시아 강사님은 말하기 속도가 조금 빠르고 어휘 수준도 다소 높은거 같아 초보자보다는 high intermediate 이나 advanced 학생들한테 더욱 좋을 것 같습니다.

To sum up, I think If you are at intermediate or advanced lelvel, I would highly recommen you to take her class.


Skybel on

좋은 수강후기를 남겨주시고 Nesia 강사님의 장점을 잘 분석해주셔서 대단히 감사드립니다~ 해당 내용은 다른 수강생분들께 많은 도움이 될 것 같습니다. 이번주도 행복한 한 주 되시길 바랍니다! :-)

Nesia on

Hi Joe. Thanks for your remark. Your willingness to learn and eagerness to improve inspired me to be more passionate in teaching. Our class discourse means a lot to me because you have shared your inputs and you tried to dig the things deeper. As you traverse the next path of learning, may you hone your proficiency more and more.  Again, thank you so much Joe. ^^