전화영어.화상영어.아이엘츠스피킹 전문 영어회화


수강생분들의 진실된 수강후기 내용을 확인하세요.
스카이벨영어에서는 절대로 허위 후기를 올리지 않습니다!

on 13-10-17 22:30

hello! this is jihwan kim whose teacher is shel.

Weve studied about one month together.

I had a class with candy, but, becasue of the semester, we couldn\'t find the appropriate time when we were both available.

After all, I was assigned to teacher shel, and I am totoally satisfied with her class now.


first of all, she has reall powerful positive energy, whenever we start the class, she shouts yoyoyo instead of saying hello!

it makes me smile. Even though i am super tired, it lessens my stresses and burden from my school life.

second, she is a good teacher. her english is really fluent. even though, sometime , she has typical accent from estern Asia, it doesn\'t matter. Whenever I made a mistakes, she corrected all of my grammatical errors and informed me more natural sentences. The vocabulary which she speaks is close to real Amrican word, not text book English.


These things help me out to improve my enlish conversational skills and i like her teaching style.


If you are looking for the teacher who makes your Enlgish improve, don\'t hesitate to choose Shel.

She is one of the best teacher in skybel.


PS. I am sorry shel, I fell a sleep today cuz today was the most tired day ever. Thats why I couldn\'t answer your skype. I applogize.


Shel on

Oooooh la laaaa!! What a very overwhelming, overpowering statement, I almost fell off my chair ha ha ha! Thank you sooo much Ji Hwan! I would also like to commend you for being a very cooperative , diligent, quick- witted,and a very smart student. Hats off! Your voice and your opinions in English , they make my day! Keep it up Ji Hwan! Keep learning.
PS. It's okay if you didn't attend the class, we all oversleep he he he. See you later ^_^

SkyBell on

아^^ 저희에게 힘을 주는 수강후기 감사드립니다.
오늘아침 많은 강사분들이 Shel강사를  축하해 주었답니다.
You make Shel's day!!
좋은 주말 보내세요;)