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수강생분들의 진실된 수강후기 내용을 확인하세요.
스카이벨영어에서는 절대로 허위 후기를 올리지 않습니다!

By reachsoul
on 12-04-19 13:18

I want to introduce myself to you by four Konglish words. First Konglish is ‘nego’. It is negotiatiate in English. When I study international trade, I use this Konglish word very often. For example, The seller nego a bill with a bank. The reason why I chose international trade department is because I want to export Korean tea set, ceramics to another countries. So I could contribute to the world so that human beings enjoy spitiual life with tea culture.

Second Konglish is training. I use this word for the meaning of sweat suit. For example, (when I buy sweat suit at clothes store,) I ask a salesman. I would like to see some traning. So Actually, I have to use the word ‘sweat suit’ not training. I like to exercise. That’s why I need sweat suit. Everyday I swim for an hour. After I finish swimming, when I see my good shape on the mirror, I am rellay happy. This is a way how to be confident in my daily life.

Third Konglish is backpack travel. It is backpacking in English. Sometimes I said to my frineds “ I want to go backpack travel around world”. In correct way, I have to use go backpacking not go backpack travel. The backpacking that I remember the most is when I treavelled in Hongkong. I am intereted in bruce Lee. He always fought with many guys for justice in movies. I wanted to learn his martial art. Actually he was trained this martial art named Wingchun in Hongkong. 2years ago, I travelled in Hongkong, and finally I found a master of Kungfu. And I learned this martial art for 2moths in Hongkong. At that time, I realized real Kungfu is not to practice skill and power, but to be relaxed like water. I will show.

Fourth Konglish is what I created. It is drinking meditaion. It says tea ceremony in English. I learned the tea ceremony from a koran monk .when I played tea ceremony, I could know how to treat a tea to another people politely and I felt peaceful mind with a cup of tea in silent. During the time of tea ceremony, I could only concentrate on what I was doing here and now without any fantacy. I realized what the absence of the worldly desires is. I am sure the tea ceremony is also a kind of meditation. So I want to say tea ceremony is drinking meditation in Konglish. If you are interested in swimming, martial art, tea culture, please don’t hesitate to call me. I want to share the cultures with you.


SkyBell on

ㅎㅎ 이번에는 콩글리쉬 예를 알려주셨네요.
빠지지 않고 항상 성실하게 수업하시는 모습 보기 좋아요;)

Shel on

Hi Rocky! How are you doing? I'm so glad to read your entry here.