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스카이벨영어에서는 절대로 허위 후기를 올리지 않습니다!

By Louis
on 12-01-19 11:12

My English name is Louis.When I first contacted Skybell and talked to the manager yesterday, I loved the atmosphere in talking and  the voice of the manager.  I left my needs and objectives of the class during the conversation by just saying unconsciously.  I was so surprised today's first class that the teacher knew exactly about my needs. Therefore I thought Skybell is very disciplined and well organized one. Comparing to my ex-service provider, there seems plenty of  the contents  more practical and easy to access and also very much price competitive than others. And I'm also pleased my teacher, Yen is very eager to teach and she tries to get connected with me. I'm likely to get more involved in the class. Skybell is Dae-bak, Gang-chu.



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