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수강생분들의 진실된 수강후기 내용을 확인하세요.
스카이벨영어에서는 절대로 허위 후기를 올리지 않습니다!

By Q
on 24-12-30 20:41
Thank you dear teacher Nancy!

I did IELTS Speaking class with Nancy for 50 minutes every day for 2 months. She has many virtues that a good teacher should have.

First of all, she clearly recognizes the strengths and weaknesses of students. Then, she teaches according to the student's level and characteristics and leads their development. Thanks to her warm consideration, I was able to gain confidence in speaking.

Next, her advice is very informative. Each class, she gave practical tips and they were very valuable in real tests. It is all thanks to her that I was able to score a lot in the speaking part, which was the least confident subject in the beginning.

I confidently recommend her to everyone who is worried about speaking. If anyone is still hesitant about who to study with, look at the score above. Nancy is the answer.


Skybel.Y on

안녕하세요? 소중한 수강후기를 작성해주신 것을 대단히 감사드립니다.

짧은 기간 안에 점수를 4.5에서 6.0으로 향상시키셨다니 정말 대단하십니다!
적어주신대로 Nancy 강사님께서는 학생 맞춤형 수업에 능통하실 뿐더러 아이엘츠 스피킹 대비 과목을 능숙하게 진행하시는 분이지요.
물론 Nancy 강사님의 티칭 실력도 도움되었겠지만, 2달간 꾸준히 매일 수업을 진행하신 회원님의 노력이 빛을 발한 것이 아닌가 합니다.

다시 한 번 회원님의 목표 달성을 축하드리며, 앞으로 걸어가시는 모든 발자취에도 성공이 따르길 바라겠습니다.
새해 복 많이 받으세요. 감사합니다. :)